Artificial Intelligence will change NPC's and the future of Metaverse

By Tarek Fouad, Head of Growth, Shorooq Partners

For most people, the term NPC will evoke memories of getting killed by some faceless character in a video game, for others it might conjure up images of a person who isn't real. While NPCs have been around for decades, advances in artificial intelligence are bringing these characters to life and revolutionizing how we interact with them.

 What are NPC's and how much they have changed

 NPC's, or non-player characters, are the computer-controlled characters in video games. They have been around since the early days of video gaming and have undergone a lot of changes over the years. Early NPC's were very basic and served little purpose other than to be target practice for the player. They were often generic enemies that were not very intelligent and did not pose much of a challenge. As video games have evolved over time, so have NPC's.

 Nowadays, NPC's are much more realistic and believable. They often have their own distinct personalities and can be quite clever. Some NPC's can even be allies to the player, helping them through the game. With the advent of artificial intelligence, NPC's are only going to become more lifelike and believable. It won't be long before they are indistinguishable from real people. This is an exciting development for video gaming and will change the way we interact with NPC's forever.

 Why AI is different from games of the past

 When it comes to AI, we're talking about a whole new level of gaming. In the past, games have relied on pre-scripted events and basic decision making from NPCs, who were essentially two-dimensional characters that appeared invented and insubstantial. However, AI-powered interactive experiences via NPCs will create a more immersive and realistic gaming experience for players, as NPCs will be able to think on their own, behaving and reacting like real people.

AI will also change the way that game worlds are created. In the past, game worlds have often been static and unchanging. However, with AI, game worlds will be able to evolve and change based on the actions of NPCs. This will create a more dynamic and living game world for players to explore.  Overall, AI is going to change the way that games are played and experienced. With more believable NPCs and dynamic game worlds, AI is going to take gaming to the next level.

With AI, game worlds will be able to evolve and change based on the actions of NPCs. This will create a more dynamic and living game world for players to explore.

How will AI change metaverse?

 There's no doubt that artificial intelligence (AI) is rapidly evolving and changing the landscape of many industries. So, it's only natural to wonder how AI will change the metaverse - a virtual world that exists in the minds of its users. Some believe that AI will play a major role in changing how NPCs interact in the metaverse. NPCs are often used as guides or assistants, but they can also be used for other purposes such as marketing or customer service.

With AI, NPCs could become more intelligent, realistic, and lifelike, providing a richer engaging experience for users. Others believe that AI will change the way we interact with the metaverse itself. For example, we may start using AI-powered avatars to represent ourselves in the metaverse. Or, AI could be used to create dynamic and personalized experiences based on our preferences and interactions. No matter how AI ends up changing the metaverse, one thing is for sure: it's going to be a major game-changer. So, stay tuned to see how this exciting technology shapes the future of this virtual world! And if you are a founder working on some exciting ideas in gametech, reach out to us on

 Tell us your thoughts

Artificial Intelligence has the potential to create more realistic and believable characters that can react to player choices in unique ways. However, it is still unclear how exactly AI will change the Metaverse as a whole. Will it lead to a more realistic and immersive experience? Or will it create a more chaotic and unpredictable environment? Only time will tell.

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SHFT Build is an online program powered by Shorooq Partners and is one of the programs under the Shorooq House of Frontier Technology - SHFT. SHFT Build is the go-to playbook for founders regionally looking to build startups in industries that are driven by frontier technology such as Gametech, Web 3.0 and blockchain applications as well as Cleantech and Climatetech. This is done through collaboration with global expertise to leverage deep industry knowledge and resources to support founders in building their startups.



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